Wednesday, November 7, 2012

FOOD: How Money may have Trumped your Health this Election

Modified...for your enjoyment.

GMOs.  You eat them. Often. This election season while millions of Americans celebrate (or scoff at) the re-election of our country's Commander-in-Chief, many are not aware of a battle in California which could affect the health of the entire nation's food supply... [MORE]

Monday, November 5, 2012

TECH: Apple vs. Google: The Secret War

a little headbutting is in order!

If you have a smartphone, chances are you've got either an iPhone (iOS) or an Android operating system. These two mobile tech monsters have long held alliances, with Apple approving just about every Google app created for its infamous App store over the past few years.  Apple even used Google Maps as its primary GPS application in all its operating systems all the way up to iOS 5.  Matter of fact, between 2006 & 2009, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt sat upon Apple's Board of Directors. In recent years, however, the climate of the relationship between Apple & Google seems to be slowly changing... [MORE]

Saturday, November 3, 2012

TECH: A/C Manufacturer makes the Best Bluetooth headphones??

These things Rock.

Yea, I said it. What does Air Conditioning have in common with bluetooth audio? Well, nothing really until recently.. A/C manufacturer Artic Cooling decided to take a small but welcomed departure into the world of mobile audio solutions with their P311 headsets... [MORE]

Friday, November 2, 2012

MUSIC PRODUCTION: Why these $10 headphones beat your Beats..

I'd Be Smiling Too..
Why would somebody spend $299 on a set of headphones?? Why sound quality, of course - right?  Seems like nowadays everyone must be an audiophile with all these folks sporting these exorbitantly priced Beats by Dre headphones.  I mean, at that price they should be some of the best sounding cans on the market right?

Not exactly... You see- in paying that amount of money for Beats cans you are essentially doing the audio version of buying a Louis Vuitton handbag.  That handbag from the dollar store couldv'e held your money just the same, but you wanted the status.  The "Hey everybody, I am better than you cuz I can spend more on my purse than you have in your bank account" swagger.  If you are that Coach & Louis type girl (figuratively) then stop reading now, put your Beats back on and continue to aimlessly walk the streets so people can look at your cool headphones... [MORE]

Thursday, November 1, 2012

MUSIC PRODUCTION: Who needs a PC? (when you have mobile tech!)

Touch OSC

When I first got started making music at home & at my studio in 2002, I had nothing but an HP computer, Bass guitar, Cakewalk software & a dream.  A dream that was usually broken within minutes by constant crashing, lack of inputs, and poor sound quality. The only way to avoid some of these pitfalls would be to pony up for a ProTools rig which to say the least back in 2002 was not the polished ProTools experience we've come to know of today (and at the same high price).  The birth of the project studio was not without its growing pains...[MORE]


Who am I? I being the guy writing this blog. Simply put-I'm a DJ, electronic music producer, audiophile, athlete & newly developed health nut. This blog is meant to be a dumping ground for my bad ideas, worse recipes, audio tech & gadget reviews and all other types of Thomfoolery. I'm an avid gamer as well so check back here for what I'm playing, why it rocks or why it sucks so hard.

This is not a blog for everyone.  Some of you do not possess the palate for digesting the type of material you will find here.   And thats quite okay.  There are millions of other horribly written blogs out there just waiting for your rancid eyeballs.

Here is a place for me to vent, create and destroy.

I gotta say, I kinda hope you don't like it.  Less pressure..