Friday, November 2, 2012

MUSIC PRODUCTION: Why these $10 headphones beat your Beats..

I'd Be Smiling Too..
Why would somebody spend $299 on a set of headphones?? Why sound quality, of course - right?  Seems like nowadays everyone must be an audiophile with all these folks sporting these exorbitantly priced Beats by Dre headphones.  I mean, at that price they should be some of the best sounding cans on the market right?

Not exactly... You see- in paying that amount of money for Beats cans you are essentially doing the audio version of buying a Louis Vuitton handbag.  That handbag from the dollar store couldv'e held your money just the same, but you wanted the status.  The "Hey everybody, I am better than you cuz I can spend more on my purse than you have in your bank account" swagger.  If you are that Coach & Louis type girl (figuratively) then stop reading now, put your Beats back on and continue to aimlessly walk the streets so people can look at your cool headphones... [MORE]

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