TECH: A/C Manufacturer makes the Best Bluetooth headphones??

Yea, I said it. What does Air Conditioning have in common with bluetooth audio? Well, nothing really until recently.. A/C manufacturer Artic Cooling decided to take a small but welcomed departure into the world of mobile audio solutions with their P311 headsets.

I wasn't expecting much when I ordered them, with Artic being in the business of A/C and the price being reasonably low for bluetooth cans.  What I got blew my socks off.. Not only do they deliver great audio quality (for Bluetooth, that is) for under $35, but the 8-10 hour battery life on a 1 hour charge is amazing.
 P311 headsets come in assorted colors and each one comes with its own carrying case, which is also color matched with your headset for those of us who like a lil vanity with their audio.

All in all, these headphones are durable, lightweight and actually work great for phone calls as well.  In fact, iPhone 4S & 5 users with Siri can simply double tap the phone key and activate Siri without touching their phone! I'm so in love with these things, I went out and bought my girlfriend a pink set (shes hooked now as well).  And as I am even surprised to hear myself say it, I can't wait to see what audio products this so-called Air Conditioner company can cook up next.

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