AUDIO: Why my $10 headphones beat your Beats..

Why would somebody spend $299 on a set of headphones?? Why sound quality, of course - right?  Seems like nowadays everyone must be an audiophile with all these folks sporting these exorbitantly priced Beats by Dre headphones.  I mean, at that price they should be some of the best sounding cans on the market right?

Not exactly... You see- in paying that amount of money for Beats cans you are essentially doing the audio version of buying a Louis Vuitton handbag.  That handbag from the dollar store couldv'e held your money just the same, but you wanted the status.  The "Hey everybody, I am better than you cuz I can spend more on my purse than you have in your bank account" swagger.  If you are that Coach & Louis type girl (figuratively) then stop reading now, put your Beats back on and continue to aimlessly walk the streets so people can look at your cool headphones.

However, if you are like me - you want function over aesthetics. If I could get a set of headphones for $10  that rival the sound quality of some $20 ones, I'd buy the $10 ones in a heartbeat.  After reading countless reviews about the sound quality of the Beats headphones being AVERAGE at best, I put a pair on and cranked up the music.  Average.  AVERAGE!!? For $299, I want professional quality Studio reference Monitoring cans.  Not something Average. I mean, come on the dude sells Earbuds for $150!!

Looking deeper into the situation I found that the prolific Dr.Dre pulled in over $110 Million last year from Beats headphones alone.

I'd Be Smiling Too..
As you look deeper into the Beats beast, you find an ordinary set of headphones with an Extraordinary marketing budget.  At the 2012 Olympic games in London, Dre gifted all the athletes their own set of headphones. Brilliant. More people droning around in these headphones for the everyday man & woman to look up to.  Here's why I won't be amongst their ranks..

Behringer. A german company specializing in audio equipment, mixers, monitors even studio gear recently released their HPM1000 headphones.

These Studio quality cans will not make you look quite as "futuristic" as the Beats but the sound quality is superior to Dre's brainchild in just about every aspect.  Better bass & frequency response, better comfort, they're completely circumaural (meaning they completely encase the ear) and best of all - will run you all of TEN BUCKS!

If you don't believe me, please feel free to investigate. These Behringer headphones have better reviews than the Beats as well by their users.  Now I am not by any means saying you must go out and buy these $10 headphones, and they do have their Cons (such as plastic construction) but with the Sound quality & incredibly low price, why not buy 3 or 4 sets??  I have had mine for over a year now and I must say, if I would've known sooner, I wouldn't have spent $150 on a set of Sennheisers.  Even if you don't go the Behringer route, there are so many sets of cans out there that put Beats sound quality to shame at a fraction of the price, that I can't help but to laugh at the people with that huge "b" on the side of their heads. 

So in summation, as an audio geek - do your research! There are better options out there, and unless your name is Lil Wayne or Kobe, Beats are going to most likely be a waste of money.

Oh - and just for laughs sake, I included this: Teen Mugged at Gunpoint for Dr. Dre Headphones

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